Title: Human Movement Science for Physical Human-Robot Collaboration
Event: Full-day workshop
Location: ICRA 2019, Montreal, Canada -- International Conference on Robotics and Automation:
Important dates
Submission deadline: March 15, 2019
Notification of acceptance: April 1, 2019
Workshop: May 23 or 24, 2019 (to be confirmed)
Workshop description
In recent years, the physical separation between humans and robots has started to disappear, with robots moving from a purely secluded industrial context into the human world. Applications of physical human-robot collaboration (pHRC) are becoming more common in industrial, rehabilitation and service robotics (e.g., bi-manual cooperation and assembly with collaborative robots or physical assistance with exoskeletons). Successful and comfortable cooperative execution of a task requires intuitive, efficient and safe interaction between both actors. Physical collaboration between a human and a robot therefore entails a series of questions on the understanding and modeling of human movement, and their applications to human-centered design and control of robots. On one hand, assistive robots need to anticipate and adapt to the user's movements to provide the appropriate assistance. On the other hand, robots' behaviors need to be easily understandable by humans to enable a seamless interaction and facilitate robots deployment. Only then can the physical capacities of assistive robots fully serve human benefit.
This workshop will emphasize the human side of the collaboration by bringing together experts from both the neuroscience and the robotics communities who share a common interest in this growing field of pHRC. Neuroscience experts will review existing knowledge, concepts and tools for the understanding and modeling of human cooperative movement, while robotics experts will present applications and challenges of human-robot collaboration. Such exchanges are intended to pave the way towards the development of common research directions. The workshop will consist of invited talks from prominent speakers,
interactive demo and poster sessions from selected contributions, and a panel discussion.
Call for contribution
We welcome contributions for poster presentation or demonstration. Demonstrations can be videos, devices, sensors, or robots. Contributions should be submitted in the form of an extended abstract or short paper, and specify the type of contribution (poster or demo). Abstract for demos should include a description of the type of demo, content, duration, requirements in terms of power supply, space, desks, TV stands, etc.
All selected contributions will be presented in a spotlight session (2 min), then during the interactive session at coffee and lunch breaks.
Please note that the abstract of selected contributions will be posted on the workshop website.
Submission format: Extended abstract in PDF format, using IEEE template (1 or 2 pages)
Submission: By email using the following address: Please use "[HMS2019] Poster/Demo contribution - Name of first author" for the title of your email, with the appropriate contribution type (poster or demo)
Topics of interest
Invited speakers
Pauline Maurice, INRIA Nancy Grand-Est, France
Meghan Huber, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Claudia Latella, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy
Serena Ivaldi, INRIA Nancy Grand-Est, France
Neville Hogan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Title: Human Movement Science for Physical Human-Robot Collaboration
Event: Full-day workshop
Location: ICRA 2019, Montreal, Canada -- International Conference on Robotics and Automation:
Important dates
Submission deadline: March 15, 2019
Notification of acceptance: April 1, 2019
Workshop: May 23 or 24, 2019 (to be confirmed)
Workshop description
In recent years, the physical separation between humans and robots has started to disappear, with robots moving from a purely secluded industrial context into the human world. Applications of physical human-robot collaboration (pHRC) are becoming more common in industrial, rehabilitation and service robotics (e.g., bi-manual cooperation and assembly with collaborative robots or physical assistance with exoskeletons). Successful and comfortable cooperative execution of a task requires intuitive, efficient and safe interaction between both actors. Physical collaboration between a human and a robot therefore entails a series of questions on the understanding and modeling of human movement, and their applications to human-centered design and control of robots. On one hand, assistive robots need to anticipate and adapt to the user's movements to provide the appropriate assistance. On the other hand, robots' behaviors need to be easily understandable by humans to enable a seamless interaction and facilitate robots deployment. Only then can the physical capacities of assistive robots fully serve human benefit.
This workshop will emphasize the human side of the collaboration by bringing together experts from both the neuroscience and the robotics communities who share a common interest in this growing field of pHRC. Neuroscience experts will review existing knowledge, concepts and tools for the understanding and modeling of human cooperative movement, while robotics experts will present applications and challenges of human-robot collaboration. Such exchanges are intended to pave the way towards the development of common research directions. The workshop will consist of invited talks from prominent speakers,
interactive demo and poster sessions from selected contributions, and a panel discussion.
Call for contribution
We welcome contributions for poster presentation or demonstration. Demonstrations can be videos, devices, sensors, or robots. Contributions should be submitted in the form of an extended abstract or short paper, and specify the type of contribution (poster or demo). Abstract for demos should include a description of the type of demo, content, duration, requirements in terms of power supply, space, desks, TV stands, etc.
All selected contributions will be presented in a spotlight session (2 min), then during the interactive session at coffee and lunch breaks.
Please note that the abstract of selected contributions will be posted on the workshop website.
Submission format: Extended abstract in PDF format, using IEEE template (1 or 2 pages)
Submission: By email using the following address: Please use "[HMS2019] Poster/Demo contribution - Name of first author" for the title of your email, with the appropriate contribution type (poster or demo)
Topics of interest
- Human motor and neuromuscular control
- Kinematic and dynamic modeling of human movement
- Measurement and analysis of human movement
- Prediction of human movement
- Human-human collaboration
- Physical human-robot collaboration
- Human movement informing the design and control of assistive devices
- Ergonomics in pHRC
- Safety in pHRC
- Exoskeletons and wearable robots
- Industrial collaborative robots
Invited speakers
- Dagmar Sternad, Northeastern University, USA
- Lena Ting, Emory University and Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- Marco Santello, Arizona State University, USA
- Jan Babič, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
- Katja Mombaur, Heidelberg University, Germany
- Dana Kulić, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Myunghee Kim, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
- Luka Peternel, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Elizabeth Croft, Monash Universitym Australia
Pauline Maurice, INRIA Nancy Grand-Est, France
Meghan Huber, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Claudia Latella, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy
Serena Ivaldi, INRIA Nancy Grand-Est, France
Neville Hogan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA