The OpenSim project and the National Center for Simulation in Rehabilitation Research (NCSRR) at Stanford invite you to join our next webinar, featuring Carmichael Ong from Stanford University.

Title: Which simulation pipeline should I use? An overview of common workflows
Speaker: Carmichael Ong, Stanford University
Time: Wednesday, April 29th, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. Pacific Time
Registration: Registration is free but required, as space is limited. Click here to register.

Human movement requires complex coordination between the neural, muscular, and skeletal systems, and musculoskeletal simulations enable researchers to analyze this complexity. Many simulation pipelines have been developed to understand how movement is coordinated, and each pipeline has different purposes and advantages.

This webinar will provide researchers with guidance on the wide array of simulation pipelines available today for use with OpenSim. These pipelines include methods built into OpenSim, such as inverse dynamics, static optimization, Computed Muscle Control, and forward dynamics. We will also discuss other pipelines, such as shooting methods, reinforcement learning, and direct collocation, for which there are freely available software packages that use OpenSim as the underlying physics engine. Specifically, we will highlight key considerations for each of the previously mentioned pipelines, including: the pipeline’s inputs and outputs, ways to use the method, and the time it typically takes to generate the results. In addition, we will provide an example of how each pipeline has been used to answer a scientific question.