Musculoskeletal modeling of manual materials handling in the supermarket sector
Join our free webcast to learn more about the analyses made on lifting tasks in the supermarket sector and how musculoskeletal models can help prevent work-related back disorders.
More info here.
Your presenter is Sebastian Laigaard Skals, Ph.D. student at the National Research Centre for the Working Environment / Aalborg University. Sebastian will present his study twice 28 July.
Sign up here for the 9 AM CEST presentation or the 5 PM CEST presentation.
Join our free webcast to learn more about the analyses made on lifting tasks in the supermarket sector and how musculoskeletal models can help prevent work-related back disorders.
More info here.
Your presenter is Sebastian Laigaard Skals, Ph.D. student at the National Research Centre for the Working Environment / Aalborg University. Sebastian will present his study twice 28 July.
Sign up here for the 9 AM CEST presentation or the 5 PM CEST presentation.