We are looking to expand the equipment in our lab to include the use of accelerometers, ideally with the option of setting up a system that has potential to work independently (i.e. in a field setting with a laptop) and synchronously (i.e. in a lab with simultaneous EMG and 3D motion systems). We have been looking at sensors capable of operating on 0-30g, >2KHz data acquisition range.
As we only have limited knowledge of accelerometers it would be very helpful if members could advise us on a few questions we have been considering during our “pre-purchase research”
• Is there a particular brand or company that is better than others?
• What is the difference between AC and DC systems? (And is one better than the other?)
• Is it practical to try and obtain accelerometers that can work in stand alone and synchronous settings as
described above?
• Are there any issues with increased cable length? i.e. would we need amplifiers or preamplifiers?
• Are there any issues with wireless systems? E.g. are there issues with accounting for lag times due to
delayed signal transmission?
• How reliable are systems that include a gyro? To date we have only seen sensors that have a lower range
(e.g. >10g), are there systems with gyro’s that operate at higher forces?
I appreciate any help or advice you can offer.
Many thanks
We are looking to expand the equipment in our lab to include the use of accelerometers, ideally with the option of setting up a system that has potential to work independently (i.e. in a field setting with a laptop) and synchronously (i.e. in a lab with simultaneous EMG and 3D motion systems). We have been looking at sensors capable of operating on 0-30g, >2KHz data acquisition range.
As we only have limited knowledge of accelerometers it would be very helpful if members could advise us on a few questions we have been considering during our “pre-purchase research”
• Is there a particular brand or company that is better than others?
• What is the difference between AC and DC systems? (And is one better than the other?)
• Is it practical to try and obtain accelerometers that can work in stand alone and synchronous settings as
described above?
• Are there any issues with increased cable length? i.e. would we need amplifiers or preamplifiers?
• Are there any issues with wireless systems? E.g. are there issues with accounting for lag times due to
delayed signal transmission?
• How reliable are systems that include a gyro? To date we have only seen sensors that have a lower range
(e.g. >10g), are there systems with gyro’s that operate at higher forces?
I appreciate any help or advice you can offer.
Many thanks