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Matlab program for EMG latency

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  • Matlab program for EMG latency

    Hi there,
    I am working on EMG and platform perturbation. I am wondering if anybody could help me with programing Matlab to measure the latency? The idea is to measure the latency from the onset of platform perturbation that was synched automatically.
    Thank you,

  • #2
    Re: Matlab program for EMG latency

    How are you trying to measure the latency?

    These articles show good methods to measure do determine the EMG onset and then latency. I can try to help you with matlab Iam not an expert but I have some programing skils...

    1.Solnik S, DeVita P, Rider P, et al. Teager-kaiser operator improves the accuracy of emg onset detection independent of signal-to-noise ratio. Acta of bioengineering and biomechanics / Wroclaw University of Technology. 2008;10(2):65-8. Epub 2008/11/27.

    1.Li X, Zhou P, Aruin AS. Teager-kaiser energy operation of surface emg improves muscle activity onset detection. Ann Biomed Eng. 2007;35(9):1532-8. Epub 2007/05/03.

    1.Hodges P, Bui B. A comparison of computer-based methods for the determination of onset of muscle contraction using electromyography. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Electromyography and Motor Control. 1996;101(6):511-9.

    Iam also iterested in latency but Iam new on this.

    Can you explain me a litle bit about it? Like what is the diference and how to measure the

    Short, medium and long latency?

    Some authors refer to short latency as the Hoffmann-reflex (H-reflex) but this are not the same. H-reflex is obtained by electrical stimutation of the nerve and the short latency is the time between the perturbation onset- and EMG onset whih means that the perturbation may not be by electrical stimutation .
    Last edited by Armindo Marques; September 5, 2011, 01:46 PM.


    • #3
      Re: Matlab program for EMG latency

      Sorry, you said how to measure latency is not really clear

