Does anyone have good success using the auto-label feature with the Vicon Nexus 1.7.1 motion capturing software? I am now using the new Nexus system but came from the old Vicon Workstation software. While some things are still similar, I am not having success with Nexus. The following is what we are currently doing. We collect a static trial with the subject standing in anatomical position. We use the vicon marker set and full body plug in gait model. I label all the markers. And after this, I have been using a bit of trial and error. I try to fill gaps, run static gait, create autolabel static calibration. In the dynamic trials (running indoors across a runway), when I use the auto label function in the pipeline, it just makes a mess. I've resorted to just manually labeling, but the sheer volume of data has warranted me a few minutes to post here and request help. If you have success using the standard full body vicon marker set with the plug-in gait model with auto-labeling feature during dynamic trials, I would appreciate your insight into which steps you use in the pipeline during the static and dynamic trials and any "magic" settings you have found to work well in the auto labeling or other pipeline steps. Thanks!