Hi all,
Does anybody have experience setting up external digital communications with a standard model Canon camera to record something while performing biomechanical tests? The application I am looking for needs a digital trigger from the material test system (which I am able to generate on the digital i/o lines) to turn the video recording on the camera? I tried seeing if Canon has some s/w plugins for use with Matlab, etc. but did not have any luck as yet, so thought will see if anybody else had faced any similar issue like this earlier? Help would be greatly appreciated.
Sasidhar U
Biomedical Eng II
VOI, Nashville, TN.
Does anybody have experience setting up external digital communications with a standard model Canon camera to record something while performing biomechanical tests? The application I am looking for needs a digital trigger from the material test system (which I am able to generate on the digital i/o lines) to turn the video recording on the camera? I tried seeing if Canon has some s/w plugins for use with Matlab, etc. but did not have any luck as yet, so thought will see if anybody else had faced any similar issue like this earlier? Help would be greatly appreciated.
Sasidhar U
Biomedical Eng II
VOI, Nashville, TN.