I am using Vicon plug-in-gait as a means of validating another gait analysis device. I have been unable to find out how the Vicon actually caluculates the gait parameters and specifically how it caluculates distance. I have generated the gait cycle parameters by manually inputing the gait cycle events as I need the calculations to be made over a larger distance than covered by the force plate. The data has been interesting with large discrepency between stance % and swing % with my other system. Does anyone know the method which the Vicon uses to caluclate all the parameters?
Thank you for any replies and help with this.
I am using Vicon plug-in-gait as a means of validating another gait analysis device. I have been unable to find out how the Vicon actually caluculates the gait parameters and specifically how it caluculates distance. I have generated the gait cycle parameters by manually inputing the gait cycle events as I need the calculations to be made over a larger distance than covered by the force plate. The data has been interesting with large discrepency between stance % and swing % with my other system. Does anyone know the method which the Vicon uses to caluclate all the parameters?
Thank you for any replies and help with this.