ACSM BiomechanicsInterest Group Awards
The ACSM Biomechanics Interest Group’s (BIG) Executive Boardin conjunction with corporate sponsors (AMTI, Delsys Inc., Motion AnalysisCorp, Vicon Inc.) are pleased to announce the 2015 ACSM Biomechanics StudentAwards program. This awards program recognizes exemplar achievements bypromising young scientists in the field of biomechanics. Currently, awards areavailable with Student Research Awards, Student Travel Awards, and CareerAchievement Award. Details and application procedures for each award arepresented below. Notification of each award will be made known to each awardeeprior to the Annual Meeting.
1) Student ResearchAwards
The BIG Awards Committee willselect Awardees based upon the scientific quality of the submitted materials.The Awardee must attend the Annual ACSM meeting to present their work in eitherposter or podium format. The Awardee must attend and will be given their award atthe ACSM BIG Annual Meeting. The award consists of a certificate and a checkfor $400.00USD.
Current or pending student memberof the ACSM at the time of the ACSM Annual Meeting. A student is consideredeligible for the award if they are someone who has not received his/ herdoctoral degree in the year prior to the ACSM annual meeting. Abstract has beensubmitted and accepted for podium or poster presentation at the ACSM Annualmeeting. Applicants may not concurrently submit for Student Travel Awards.
Application Process
Electronic applications must besubmitted by April 10, 2015 to the BIG Awards Committee Chair. This date isafter the applicant has been notified that his/her abstract has been acceptedfor either podium or poster presentation at the ACSM Annual Meeting.
Application Submission Material
1) Letter of nomination and endorsementfrom the Department Head, Graduate or Undergraduate Advisor (PDF). This lettershould include a statement specifying the applicant’s contributions andindependence to the work being submitted. The letter should also specify thatthe applicant is seeking the Student Research award.
2) Expanded abstract of original researchsubmitted and accepted to the ACSM annual meeting. The applicant must be thefirst author and the work should be the author’s own. The format for theabstract must be expanded from the original ACSM abstract to 2 pages, withtitle, authors and institutions clearly listed, all text in 12 pt font with 1”margins. Subheadings of Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion andConclusions should be included.
3) Copy of e-mail correspondence or letterfrom ACSM verifying that the submitted abstract has been accepted to the ACSMAnnual meeting.
4) Proof of student membership.
Submission Instructions
Applications should be submittedelectronically to the ACSM BIG Awards Chair, Dr. Jean McCrory All material must be submitted by April 10,2015. Please put “YOUR FIRST INITIAL, MI, LAST NAME - BIG AWARD AP” in thesubject header of the application e-mail.
2) Student TravelAwards
A Student Travel Award is offeredto help offset the cost of travel to the ACSM conference to present a poster orpodium presentation of their research project. The BIG Awards Committee willselect Awardees based upon the submitted materials. The award consists of acertificate and a check for $200.00USD.
Current or pending student memberof the ACSM at the time of the submission. A student is considered eligible forthe award if they are someone who has not received his/ her doctoral degree inthe year prior to the ACSM annual meeting. Applicants may not concurrentlysubmit for Student Research Awards.
Application Process
Electronic applications must besubmitted by April 10, 2015 to the BIG Awards Committee Chair.
Application Submission Material
1) Letter of nomination and endorsementfrom the Department Head, Graduate or Undergraduate Advisor. This letter shouldinclude a statement specifying the applicant’s qualifications and why they aredeserving of the travel award.
2) Cover letter (maximum 1 page)describing the benefit they obtain by attending the meeting.
3) Copy of e-mail correspondence or letterfrom ACSM verifying that the submitted abstract has been accepted to the ACSMAnnual meeting.
4) Proof of student membership
Submission Instructions
Applications should be submittedelectronically to the ACSM BIG Awards Chair, Dr. Jean McCrory All material must by submitted by April 10,2015. Please put “YOUR FIRST INITIAL, MI, LAST NAME – TRAVEL AWARD AP” in thesubject header of the application e-mail.
3) ACSM BiomechanicsInterest Group – Motion Analysis Career Achievement Award (1 Award)
The ACSM Biomechanics InterestGroup-Motion Analysis Corp. (ACSM BIG-MAC) Career Award is the most prestigioushonor given by the ACSM Biomechanics Interest Group. This award is given inrecognition of an individual who has made distinguished contributions to thedevelopment and enhancement of the education of students concentrating inBiomechanics, and/or has made distinguished theoretical or empiricalcontributions to basic research in biomechanics and has contributed to thegeneral discipline and growth in the field of Biomechanics throughout theirrespective career. The award consists of a certificate and a check for$1,500.00USD.
The ACSM BIG-MAC Award is open toall scientists, including non-ACSM members, but excludes current ACSM-BIGofficers and members of the Awards Committee.
Candidates may be self-nominatedor nominated by others. Candidates should be established scientists whose workincorporates the scientific field of human biomechanics.
Submission Material
1) Letter of nomination
2) Comprehensive curriculum vitae (PDF)
3) Five publications, along with otherdocumentation that support and embody the candidate's qualifications for theaward (PDF).
Submission Instructions
Applications should be submittedelectronically to the ACSM BIG Award Committee Chair, Dr. Jean McCrory All material must be submitted by April 10,2015