I am doing several dynamic tasks such as cutting and jump landing and I am using a 6DOF model with cluster sets. A great discussion previously arose on kinematic cross talk (http://biomch-l.isbweb.org/threads/2...ight=crosstalk). A last point was made by Ton on a possible means to verify if cross talk did happen. So I like to expand further on it
Question: Is it possible to statistically perform some sort of correlation analysis between angle of different axis to verify if crosstalk happened? A possible reference is
1) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25003974 (Cross-talk correction method for knee kinematics in gait analysis using principal component analysis (PCA): a new proposal.)
Many thanks for all the expert advise in advance.
I am doing several dynamic tasks such as cutting and jump landing and I am using a 6DOF model with cluster sets. A great discussion previously arose on kinematic cross talk (http://biomch-l.isbweb.org/threads/2...ight=crosstalk). A last point was made by Ton on a possible means to verify if cross talk did happen. So I like to expand further on it
Question: Is it possible to statistically perform some sort of correlation analysis between angle of different axis to verify if crosstalk happened? A possible reference is
1) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25003974 (Cross-talk correction method for knee kinematics in gait analysis using principal component analysis (PCA): a new proposal.)
Many thanks for all the expert advise in advance.