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Kinematic crosstalk analysis

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  • Kinematic crosstalk analysis


    I am doing several dynamic tasks such as cutting and jump landing and I am using a 6DOF model with cluster sets. A great discussion previously arose on kinematic cross talk ( A last point was made by Ton on a possible means to verify if cross talk did happen. So I like to expand further on it

    Question: Is it possible to statistically perform some sort of correlation analysis between angle of different axis to verify if crosstalk happened? A possible reference is

    1) (Cross-talk correction method for knee kinematics in gait analysis using principal component analysis (PCA): a new proposal.)

    Many thanks for all the expert advise in advance.


  • #2
    Re: Kinematic crosstalk analysis


    I have just given an informal seminar on 3DMA reliability, that have ben posted on YouTube. Look under the channel 'SPRINZ seminars' for videos 'Allan Carman 3DMA reliability'. The second video talks about cross-talk or as I referred to it in the seminar as non-linear error. It also presents a 3DMA method based on marker clusters and 6 DF approach. I would not view it as a question if cross talked happened or not, but rather assessing it and taking steps to minimize it. On your correlation question I would be guessing to say that if the error or cross talk in Knee Abd/Add is large then this would show up in a correlation with knee flex/ext but doubt that correlation would be sensitive enough to minimize it to reduce its affect sufficiently. Have a look at the second video to see how I have approached this problem, although you may need to watch the first to see where I am coming from.



    • #3
      Re: Kinematic crosstalk analysis


      I have just given a seminar on 3DMA reliability that talks about cross-talk and its affects on gait analysis, particularly knee joint kinematics, as well as an explanation of what it is and an approach to assessing and minimise it. The model used was a marker cluster and 6DF design. The seminars are on YouTube, look under channel 'SPRINZ seminars' for videos 'Allan Carman 3DMA reliability'. The second seminar talks about cross-talk, although you may need to watch the first to understand where it is coming from. On the question of if cross-talk occurred, I would view more as how much cross-talk has occurred and the need to assess it and minimize it's affect. On the question of correlation I would be guessing that if cross-talk or error in knee abd/add were large then correlation with knee flex/ext should show that it is there but doubt correlation is sensitive enough to correct it to a sufficient level to be confident of the resulting knee abd/add rotations.


