“Experimental Methods for Orthopaedic Biomechanics” (in press for 2016, Elsevier publishers) is a hands-on, practical, step-by-step instructional book on experimentation in orthopaedic biomechanics written by an international team of over 40 experts. As Editor of this volume, I am seeking someone to write a short 8-page chapter who has expertise with in-vitro (not in-vivo) experimental measurements of contraction force / velocity / length in cadaveric whole skeletal muscle or fibers. Due to circumstances, the timeline for this is only 3-4 weeks, but I can personally provide assistance in chapter writing. If interested, please send me an email, your CV, and 2 sample published papers. Thank you. Radovan Zdero, PhD, CEng, MIMechE, Radovan.Zdero@lhsc.on.ca