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Assessing Running Injuries: Which treadmill is appropriate?

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  • Assessing Running Injuries: Which treadmill is appropriate?

    Hi Colleagues

    We are undertaking a large scale prospective study on the relationship between running technique and loading (assessed using inertial sensors) and the occurrence of running related injuries. To maximise numbers and for greater methodological consistency we are using an indoor treadmill. However, the treadmills we currently use appear to be very compliant (cushioning the initial foot strike). Has anyone considered this issue and attempted to use a treadmill that more mimics running on a harder surface?

    If so, could you possibly let me know the treadmill you used.

    It would also be useful if you could pass on any validation work to justify your choice (but do not worry if you have not done this and your choice was simply based on observation)

    Many thanks


  • #2
    Re: Assessing Running Injuries: Which treadmill is appropriate?

    The effect of a treadmill's platform stiffness on metabolic cost has been investigated ( Might want to match treadmill stiffness to the surface of interest.

