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integration of Bertec force plate with matlab software

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  • integration of Bertec force plate with matlab software

    I'm looking to either trigger bertec software to begin data collection remotely (via matlab) or to load in bertec data into matlab. I haven't yet found any way to do this. I'm generally familiar with matlab functions using daq (for national instruments load cells), but less familiar with how to integrate SDK tools such as .dll files etc... What is the best way to go about this so I can use my time wisely?

  • #2
    Re: integration of Bertec force plate with matlab software

    One of the 2 ways:
    1- Use a DAQ Card and take analog outputs form Force Plate through this in Matlab Via Matlab Data Acquisition Toolbox. Resolve GRF and COP from Analog voltages using Calibration Matrix(if applicable) and Platform details such as Geometry, Origin etc.. You can also control start and stop of data collection.
    2- Use Force Plate SDK to program in compatible language. This is direct, digital way and you can directly read, GRF components and COP.
    Best way depends on specific conditions/requirements.


    • #3
      Re: integration of Bertec force plate with matlab software

      I am not sure if all of the Bertec forceplates comes with digital to analog hardware. If it does, it is straightforward to read those analog channels into MATLAB and do your calculations that way (page 13 -

      However, if you don't have that capability or you want fewer wires to worry about, you should be able to import the digital signals using the SDK tools using MATLAB. You'd need to compile some mex files to be able to call the c functions provided by Bertec.

      there seems to be solutions for using LabVIEW ( but wasn't able to find pre-compiled mex files for the bertec sdk.

