I hope someone here can help me out: I have been using the BTK tools for MatLab to extract data from C3D files for years. Since about a week ago, I am not able to run any of my scripts anymore (2 different Mac's) and get the following error message:
Invalid MEX-file '/Volumes/IMAC_EXTERNAL/btk/btkReadAcquisition.mexmaci64':
dlopen(/Volumes/IMAC_EXTERNAL/btk/btkReadAcquisition.mexmaci64, 6): Library not loaded:
Referenced from: /Volumes/IMAC_EXTERNAL/btk/btkReadAcquisition.mexmaci64
Reason: image not found.
It does not matter which BTK routine I try to call, all end up with the same error message.
Has anyone an idea how to solve this problem or maybe experienced similar issues ??
I did not change my script and it worked until recently.
Any input to get this problem resolved would be highly appreciated
I hope someone here can help me out: I have been using the BTK tools for MatLab to extract data from C3D files for years. Since about a week ago, I am not able to run any of my scripts anymore (2 different Mac's) and get the following error message:
Invalid MEX-file '/Volumes/IMAC_EXTERNAL/btk/btkReadAcquisition.mexmaci64':
dlopen(/Volumes/IMAC_EXTERNAL/btk/btkReadAcquisition.mexmaci64, 6): Library not loaded:
Referenced from: /Volumes/IMAC_EXTERNAL/btk/btkReadAcquisition.mexmaci64
Reason: image not found.
It does not matter which BTK routine I try to call, all end up with the same error message.
Has anyone an idea how to solve this problem or maybe experienced similar issues ??
I did not change my script and it worked until recently.
Any input to get this problem resolved would be highly appreciated