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Assistance with judge recruiting for WCB 2018: ASME-BED student paper competition

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  • Assistance with judge recruiting for WCB 2018: ASME-BED student paper competition

    ASME is now in the final planningstages for the student competition at the World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB),which will be held in Dublin, Ireland, July 8-12, 2018. Student finalists havebeen selected and they are preparing their presentations and posters. If you are not attending themeeting this year, no need to read any further!

    The Chair of the PhD Level Competition (Shannon Stott, is looking for on-site faculty judges. This year was an incredibly competitive year(over 600 abstracts were submitted). In an effort to keep the competition as fair aspossible, ASME aims to have a diverse group of judges acrossdisciplines. For them to achieve this goal, they need more volunteers!

    ASME is also recruiting judges for the MS and BS StudentPoster Competition. While they seek faculty volunteers to judge at the PhD level,postdocs are welcome to serve as judges for the posters.

    The PhD podium sessions are scheduled throughout the day onTuesday, July 10th
    Biotransport, Cryopreservationand Cardiovascular Modeling: Wicklow MR3, 9:20-10:50Biomechanics of the Cell, Tissueand Multiscale Level: Wicklow MR2, 9:20-10:50Cardiovascular Imaging and Modeling:Wicklow MR3, 11:20-12:50Musculoskeletal Mechanics:Wicklow MR2, 11:20-12:50Cardiovascular Mechanics and CellBiomechanics: Wicklow MR3, 15:10-16:40 Sports Biomechanics: Wicklow MR2,15:10-16:40
    The MS and BS Poster Competitions are simultaneously scheduled forTuesday, July 10th, 12:50-14:20.

    If you are planning on attending the WCB 2018 next month, wouldyou please respond with the following by THURSDAY, June 7th (sent to

    1. Are you willing to judge for theASME-BED Student Paper Competition on Tuesday, July 10th?
    2. Do you have any students in the competition thisyear? If yes, what level?
    3. Do you have a preference for the competitionlevel (PhD, MS or BS)?

    5. We are also actively seeking session chairsfor our PhD sessions. Please let us know if you are interested inhelping out in this area.
    6. Do you have any colleagues who may beinterested in judging? If so, please provide their contact information. Alternatively,please feel free to forward this email to them so that they may contact medirectly.

    Similar to past years, ASME will use a newer, more automated judgingsystem that works directly from a mobile internet browser on your smartphone,tablet, or a PC. For the poster competition, judges will scoreapproximately six posters. For the PhD podiumsessions, judges will score six talks in one session.
    Thanks for your consideration. We truly hope these variousstudent showcases will be a highlight of the conference, as in years past.
    Best regards,

    Shannon Stott
    Chair of the PhD Student Paper Competition

    Sara Roccabianca
    Chair of the MS Student Paper Competition

    Ian Sigal
    Chair of the BS Student Paper Competition

    Rouzbeh Amini
    Chair of the Student Paper Competition