Hi all,
We recently revamped out lab with Vicon cameras (Vantage V5), Nexus v2.12.1, two Kistler forceplates (9281EA). We are having trouble synchronizing the plates. Now I note this old post https://biomch-l.isbweb.org/forum/bi...forms-to-vicon.
Analog method
The force trace into Vicon is extremely noisy (+/- 20N), and I was wondering what reasons could be contributing to this? We connected our plates to the Kistler provided AD converter (which I assumes powers the plates), which outputs it into the Vicon lockbox, which goes into our computer.
Digital method
The force trace into Vicon is very good, We connect our plates to the Kistler provided AD converter (which I assumes powers the plates), which goes into our computer. The Vicon lockbox is also linked to the kistler ADC for syncing.
Link to one sample vicon data: https://filetransfer.io/data-package/4GyPRbRv#link (expire in 11/02/2022)
1) What could contribute to the noisiness to our analog force trace? We followed the book in connecting, or could there be a mistake? I have included images as attachment.
2) Vicon recommend the digital method. With the modern equipment these days, I wanted to understand the pros and cons of each method.
Many thanks for anyone's expert input.
We recently revamped out lab with Vicon cameras (Vantage V5), Nexus v2.12.1, two Kistler forceplates (9281EA). We are having trouble synchronizing the plates. Now I note this old post https://biomch-l.isbweb.org/forum/bi...forms-to-vicon.
Analog method
The force trace into Vicon is extremely noisy (+/- 20N), and I was wondering what reasons could be contributing to this? We connected our plates to the Kistler provided AD converter (which I assumes powers the plates), which outputs it into the Vicon lockbox, which goes into our computer.
Digital method
The force trace into Vicon is very good, We connect our plates to the Kistler provided AD converter (which I assumes powers the plates), which goes into our computer. The Vicon lockbox is also linked to the kistler ADC for syncing.
Link to one sample vicon data: https://filetransfer.io/data-package/4GyPRbRv#link (expire in 11/02/2022)
1) What could contribute to the noisiness to our analog force trace? We followed the book in connecting, or could there be a mistake? I have included images as attachment.
2) Vicon recommend the digital method. With the modern equipment these days, I wanted to understand the pros and cons of each method.
Many thanks for anyone's expert input.