*Faculty Positions in Applied Anatomy (Kinesiology) / Anatomy / Physiology*

*The Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences at Ithaca College in
Ithaca, NY, is seeking two,

*full-time, non-tenure-eligible Instructors or Assistant
Professors.One position is a two-year

*non-renewable appointment and the other is a one-year appointment
with the possibility for

*an additional one year appointment pending departmental needs; both
begin on August 16,

*2011.The successful candidates will teach applied anatomy lecture and
labs, and anatomy

*and physiology labs.Scholarly activity is encouraged, but not

*Master's degree required (Ph.D. desired) in the field of exercise
science or a related field

*with an emphasis in applied anatomy; strong commitment to teaching

*of college-level teaching preferred.Interested candidates should
apply online at www.icjobs.org.

*For questions about the online application, contact the office of
Human Resources at

*(607) 274-1207.Inquiries about either position may be made to Chris
Hummel MS, ATC

*at chummel@ithaca.edu.Review of
applications will begin immediately and will continue

*until both positions are filled.Ithaca College is committed to
building a diverse academic

*community and encourages members of underrepresented groups to
apply. Experience*

*that contributes to the diversity of the college is appreciated.*