The Program in Movement Sciences and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, is
seeking a full-time faculty member in applied (exercise) physiology to teach graduate courses,
supervise graduate student research, and conduct a focused program of research.
Qualifications: The successful applicant will have an earned doctorate in exercise physiology,
applied integrative human physiology, kinesiology, or a closely related field and present evidence of
successful teaching experience and research accomplishments. Preference will be given to
candidates whose research is in some aspect of applied human exercise physiology that extends the
current areas of applied exercise physiology scholarship at Teachers College. Priority for applied
exercise physiology research areas include, but are not limited to: exercise in disabled, minority, or
underserved populations, pediatric or adolescent exercise, exercise and cognition/learning, or
musculoskeletal strength and conditioning. The successful candidate will be expected to
demonstrate the ability to support a research program through external funding and to teach
graduate courses in applied physiology. Certification or Registration as an ACSM Health Fitness
Specialist, ACSM Exercise Specialist, ACSM Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist, or NSCA
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist is preferred.
Rank: Assistant or associate professor. The position is tenure track, with the possibility for tenure
for outstanding candidates at the associate professor level.
Application: Send the following by e-mail with subject line, "Exercise Physiology Searchâ to Dr.
Carol Ewing Garber at 1) a letter of application, 2) current CV, 3) three
representative publications, and 4) the names and contact information of three references Mailed
applications will not be accepted. Review of applications will begin October 15, 2011 and continue
until the search is successfully concluded. Appointment begins September 2012.
Teachers College as an institution has been long committed to a policy of equal opportunity in
employment. In offering education, psychology, and health studies, the College is committed to
providing expanding employment opportunities to persons of color, women, and persons with
disabilities in its own activities and in society. The College actively prohibits all discrimination
based on grounds such as race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age and disability
status. Candidates whose qualifications and experience are directly relevant to complementary
College priorities (e.g., urban concerns) may be considered for a higher rank than advertised.
Teachers College, Columbia University 525 West 120th Street, New York, NY 10027
seeking a full-time faculty member in applied (exercise) physiology to teach graduate courses,
supervise graduate student research, and conduct a focused program of research.
Qualifications: The successful applicant will have an earned doctorate in exercise physiology,
applied integrative human physiology, kinesiology, or a closely related field and present evidence of
successful teaching experience and research accomplishments. Preference will be given to
candidates whose research is in some aspect of applied human exercise physiology that extends the
current areas of applied exercise physiology scholarship at Teachers College. Priority for applied
exercise physiology research areas include, but are not limited to: exercise in disabled, minority, or
underserved populations, pediatric or adolescent exercise, exercise and cognition/learning, or
musculoskeletal strength and conditioning. The successful candidate will be expected to
demonstrate the ability to support a research program through external funding and to teach
graduate courses in applied physiology. Certification or Registration as an ACSM Health Fitness
Specialist, ACSM Exercise Specialist, ACSM Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist, or NSCA
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist is preferred.
Rank: Assistant or associate professor. The position is tenure track, with the possibility for tenure
for outstanding candidates at the associate professor level.
Application: Send the following by e-mail with subject line, "Exercise Physiology Searchâ to Dr.
Carol Ewing Garber at 1) a letter of application, 2) current CV, 3) three
representative publications, and 4) the names and contact information of three references Mailed
applications will not be accepted. Review of applications will begin October 15, 2011 and continue
until the search is successfully concluded. Appointment begins September 2012.
Teachers College as an institution has been long committed to a policy of equal opportunity in
employment. In offering education, psychology, and health studies, the College is committed to
providing expanding employment opportunities to persons of color, women, and persons with
disabilities in its own activities and in society. The College actively prohibits all discrimination
based on grounds such as race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age and disability
status. Candidates whose qualifications and experience are directly relevant to complementary
College priorities (e.g., urban concerns) may be considered for a higher rank than advertised.
Teachers College, Columbia University 525 West 120th Street, New York, NY 10027