We are currently accepting applications for graduate research assistantships starting in the fall of 2012 in the Department of Orthopedics and Biomedical Engineering. These research assistantships are supported by internal funds and include a stipend and tuition reimbursement. All applications must be received by the College of Graduate Health Sciences in full as soon as possible. Information on the Graduate Program in Biomedical Engineering can be found at http://www.uthsc.edu/bme/.
DEGREES OFFERED: There are currently two openings at the MS level in the Department of Orthopedics and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN. The research assistantship will be in the Musculoskeletal Research Laboratory (MRL) where the primary focus of research is in orthopedic biomechanics. Most recently we have had experience with evaluation of several implantable intervertebral disc replacement and nucleus arthroplasty devices for the human spine. Also recently we have designed and constructed a novel 6 degree of freedom testing platform with full motion control over each individual degree of freedom. We are currently programming, evaluating, and developing very novel in-vitro testing protocols with this system.
RESPONSIBILITIES: Duties will include preparation of human cadaveric tissue, set up and execution of existing and new laboratory testing protocols, data collection and statistical analyses, project coordination between industrial and surgical collaborators, as well as report and manuscript preparation. For the current opening the ideal individual has interest/experience in robotics/controls, computer programming, and the design and development of novel multi-axis testing systems.
PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: BS in Mechanical or Biomedical Engineering. Strong mechanical aptitude, testing and/or design experience. Computer programming experience would be a plus (ideally any of Visual Basic, C, or C sharp) but not essential.
APPLICATIONS: Interested applicants are encouraged to apply electronically through our departmental website at http://www.uthsc.edu/bme/apply.php. The application package includes an electronic letter of interest, academic transcripts, GRE scores, and three letters of recommendation. Interested applicants are also encouraged to contact Dr. Kelly directly for more information.
General questions and inquiries may be directed to:
Brian P. Kelly Ph.D.
The University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Department of Orthopedics and Biomedical Engineering
956 Court Avenue, Suite E226
Memphis TN, 38163
(901) 448-2366