Natural ECM Derived Injectable Microparticles for Regeneration of the Intervertebral Disc (DiscReGen)

Project Description: Recent evidence suggests that degeneration initiates within the central region of the disc called the nucleus pulposus (NP). The proposed project is to develop an injectable microparticle biomaterial system that can be delivered to the affected region using minimally invasive techniques in an attempt to stimulate repair and regeneration of the disc by the patient’s own cells. This technology and approach for regeneration or repairing the intervertebral disc is highly attractive, and could be performed at an earlier stage of tissue degeneration to alleviate back pain thus reducing the number of patients requiring spinal fusion or artificial implant replacement surgery.
The work will be based on a strong link between engineering design, biological performance and clinical translation, and the researcher will work closely with other members of the multidisciplinary research team including principal investigators, postdoctoral and graduate researchers. The project work will be carried out in our new state of the art Bioengineering facilities located in the recently established Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute. Trinity Centre for Bioengineering is a key research centre in Trinity College combining fundamental research with translation to clinical practice.

Applicant criteria: Applicants will ideally have a Ph.D. in materials science/biomedical engineering or related disciplines and preference will be given to candidates with previous experience in biomaterials and tissue engineering.

Specific skills that would enhance a candidate’s application for the position include some of the following techniques: experience in hydrogel materials for tissue engineering, cell culture (in particular stem cell culture), mechanical testing of materials, stem cell biology, advanced microscopy, histological techniques including immunohistochemistry and PCR.

CVs with the names and addresses of three referees should be submitted by email to:

Conor Buckley BA, BAI, PhD
Assistant Professor (Tissue Engineering)
Trinity Centre for Bioengineering, Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute
Trinity College, Dublin 2


This position is funded by Enterprise Ireland (EI) Commercialisation Fund for up to 16months and is available from 1st September 2012.