This post-doc fellowship is supported by a grant from Institut Carnot MINES. It will take place within the Center for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering at Mines-Saint-Etienne, France ( in collaboration with Mines-ParisTech ( and Mines-Douai ( The general goal of this research project is to set up predictive numerical models of the deployment of heart valves in endosurgery. A specific work-package is the mechanical identification of heart valve leaflets and its relationship with the tissue microstructure.
For that, it is necessary to test heart valves removed from the body (ex vivo tests). The idea will be to carry out biaxial tests onto samples of heart valves and to measure the deformations using digital image correlation. Eventually, the properties will be derived from the measurements using a dedicated inverse approach ( Experience regarding tissue collection and handling will be brought by the University Hospital of Saint-Etienne. The objective at the end of the post-doc period of 18 months is to have a database of mechanical properties for heart valves. Simultaneously, multiphoton microscopy of the tested specimens will be performed on a dedicated imaging platform. Segmentation of the microstructural constituents, especially collagen fibers, will be achieved in collaboration with Mines-ParisTech ( in order to set up a multiscale finite element model relating the macroscopic mechanical behaviour of the heart valves to their microstructure.
Contacts and how to apply: Send a CV by email to Prof. Stephane Avril (
Center for Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines
Saint-Etienne, FRANCE