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Chair Professors and Professors: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong SAR

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  • Chair Professors and Professors: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong SAR

    The Hong Kong Institute of Education is conducting a search for Chair Professors and Professors as part of its capacity building initiatives. The Hong Kong Institute of Education is a publicly funded tertiary institution offering a full range of academic programmes at doctoral, master, bachelor and postgraduate diploma levels as well as other professional development programmes to over 8,000 students, serving teachers and professionals studying in education and related humanities, social sciences, and arts and culture disciplines. The Institute has a Graduate School and three Faculties, namely, Faculty of Education and Human Development, Faculty of Humanities, and Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences; comprising altogether 16 Departments, with about 400 academic/teaching staff. It now features four Institute-level research centres and ten Faculty-level research and development centres, covering various areas of expertise in Education, Social Sciences and the Liberal Arts.

    The Institute aspires to become a leading university in the Asia Pacific region, focusing on Education and complementary disciplines, and recognized for its excellence in nurturing competent and caring professionals and the impact of scholarship. If you are excited by the prospect of contributing your expertise to the development of a leading multidisciplinary institution at the heart of East Asia, we would like to hear from you.

    Appointees to these senior positions will perform strategic functions to achieve the growth plan of the Institute. They will provide effective academic leadership, enhance research and development, advance scholarship through knowledge creation and transfer as well as assure academic quality in the relevant disciplines. They will also contribute to the internationalization of the Institute and create sustainable impact on the education landscape.

    Scholars in the following discipline areas are welcome to apply:

    Faculty of Education and Human Development (Ref: ChairProf/Prof/FEHD/1012)
    • Curriculum and Instruction/ Early Childhood Education/ Education Policy and Leadership/ International Education and Lifelong Learning/ Psychological Studies/ Special Education and Counselling

    Faculty of Humanities (Ref: ChairProf/Prof/FHM/1012)
    • Chinese Language Studies/ English Language Education/ Linguistics and Modern Language Studies/ Literature and Cultural Studies

    Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (Ref: ChairProf/Prof/FLASS/1012)
    • Asian and Policy Studies/ Cultural and Creative Arts/ Health and Physical Education/ Mathematics and Information Technology/ Science and Environmental Studies/ Social Sciences

    Applicants should have a doctoral degree in a relevant area, a distinguished record of research and scholarship recognized internationally, a proven record of outstanding academic leadership, demonstrated commitment to leading research and pioneering cutting-edge developments in their areas, and a record of effective and innovative teaching in the tertiary education sector. Bilingual competency in English and Chinese would be an advantage, as would an appreciation of the challenges of working in a multicultural context.

    Remuneration package will be highly competitive and attractive fringe benefits will be offered.

    Applications or nominations with full curriculum vitae should be sent to the “Secretary of Strategic Recruitment Search Committee” by email to Please quote the reference number of the relevant Faculty with indication of the area(s) of interest.

    The search will continue until suitable appointments are made. The Institute reserves the right not to fill the positions. All applications will be treated in strict confidence. Those who are shortlisted will be contacted.

    The HKIEd is an Equal Opportunities Employer.

    For further details about the Institute, please visit its website at

    NOTE: The above is a copy of the advertisement from my Institute. I have lived and worked in Hong Kong on and off since 1998, the last 5-yrs of which has been at the Institute. I am happy to answer any questions you may have about these positions, living in Hong Kong, etc.

    Also, feel free to check out our Human Performance Laboratory.

  • #2
    Re: Chair Professors and Professors: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong

    I just want to clarify what rank these positions are at, as I have received some queries. In Hong Kong, the two highest academic ranks are Professor followed by Chair Professor. As such, these should be considered senior academic appointments.

    I hope that clarifies things. If you are interested, I'm happy to answer your questions (but I am not involved in the selection process in any way).

