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PhD Positions in Biomechanics and Motor Control: Utah State University, Logan, Utah

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  • PhD Positions in Biomechanics and Motor Control: Utah State University, Logan, Utah

    The Exercise Science program within the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation (HPER) at Utah State University is recruiting doctoral-level graduate students to engage in high-quality research in the areas of biomechanics and motor control. The department offers a PhD specialization in Pathokinesiology which focuses on course offering, programming, and research in kinesiology as it relates to any abnormal condition affecting movement and postural dysfunctions. Graduates of this specialization will be better trained than their peers at other institutions for careers in which a multidisciplinary understanding of ability and disability is crucial. The PhD program prepares individuals for a variety of careers in the biomedical workforce including academic and industry positions.

    In addition to being involved in research, students will have the opportunity to serve as a teaching assistant in either biomechanics or motor control courses. The position includes a 9-month stipend (about $20,000/year) and an out-of-state tuition award.

    The recent focus of scholarship related to Pathokinesiology will enable students to pursue research projects addressing autism, stroke, aging, concussion, osteoarthritis, and pediatrics.

    - Master’s degree in science, engineering, kinesiology, or closely related field
    - Desire to be involved in kinesiology as it applies to disability studies.
    - Excellent written and verbal English communication skills
    - Excellent GRE or MAT scores
    - Highly motivated with established ability to work independently

    - Experience with human movement research as it applies to disabilities
    - Experience with online course participation and/or development

    The HPER Department at Utah State University offers a wide range of research facilities, including: 1) a 3200 ft2 gait laboratory equipped with a Vicon MX system with seven T-20 cameras, two Bertec force platforms, and an 8 channel Biopac-EMG system; 2) a 500 ft2 motor control laboratory equipped with MotionMonitor equipment for collecting kinematic and performance measures in reaching and grasping; 3) a 500 ft2 motor behavior laboratory equipped with a wide array of custom-designed technologies with high temporal sensitivity (force transducers and two different eye trackers); 4) two Hydroworx aquatic therapy pools and an AMTI underwater force platform.

    Utah State University is rapidly advancing its aquatic-based research for a number of applications, including aquatic therapy for spinal cord injury, stroke, geriatrics, and osteoarthritis ( The strong interdisciplinary emphasis within Utah State University enables researchers to seek expertise in a wide-range of areas within Psychology, Engineering, disability studies, and extensive clinical services. Utah State University is located in gorgeous Logan, UT, approximately 80 miles north of Salt Lake City, and serves an avid outdoor community.

    To apply, submit a curriculum vita and letter of interest to Dr. Dennis Dolny, Graduate Program Coordinator & Department Head, at Initial review of applications will begin February 15, 2013. Positions open until filled.