Department of Animal and Poultry Science
A three-year PhD degree position is available starting Fall 2013,
in the laboratory of Dr. Alexandra Harlander
The research project will investigate the topic
“Locomotion of Gallus gallus domesticus”
Non-cage systems create opportunities for laying hens to express species specific locomotion, where the birds can use three dimensional space. The goal in using these systems is to promote bird well-being. Research investigating the ease with which egg-laying breeds of chickens negotiate the third dimension via flying and walking is scarce. Such scientifically-founded information would be timely, as traumatic bone fractures are more prevalent in non-cage systems. The present study aims to investigate the development of locomotion in the air and on the ground in domestic fowl and the significance of this knowledge for the proper housing of laying hens in non-cage systems.
Selection of the successful applicant is based on a combination of: academic criteria; relevant interests and experience; 2 letters of reference; an assessment of the candidate’s career goals and motivation. Practical experiences with motion analysis in animals/humans and experiences in experimental design and statistics would be an asset. Remuneration will be at NSERC guidelines. Application deadline is July 26, 2013, or until a suitable applicant is identified. Send your application electronically to: aharland@uoguelph.ca.
This research project involves collaboration with the
University of Bern (CH) and the Flight Laboratory at the University of Montana (US).
Additional information about Dr. Harlander and the Welfare and Behaviour Group at Guelph can be found by visiting: http://www.uoguelph.ca/abw/
GUELPH • ONTARIO • CANADA • N1G 2W1 • (519) 824-4120 ext 52021 • FAX (519) 836-9873
Department of Animal and Poultry Science
A three-year PhD degree position is available starting Fall 2013,
in the laboratory of Dr. Alexandra Harlander
The research project will investigate the topic
“Locomotion of Gallus gallus domesticus”
Non-cage systems create opportunities for laying hens to express species specific locomotion, where the birds can use three dimensional space. The goal in using these systems is to promote bird well-being. Research investigating the ease with which egg-laying breeds of chickens negotiate the third dimension via flying and walking is scarce. Such scientifically-founded information would be timely, as traumatic bone fractures are more prevalent in non-cage systems. The present study aims to investigate the development of locomotion in the air and on the ground in domestic fowl and the significance of this knowledge for the proper housing of laying hens in non-cage systems.
Selection of the successful applicant is based on a combination of: academic criteria; relevant interests and experience; 2 letters of reference; an assessment of the candidate’s career goals and motivation. Practical experiences with motion analysis in animals/humans and experiences in experimental design and statistics would be an asset. Remuneration will be at NSERC guidelines. Application deadline is July 26, 2013, or until a suitable applicant is identified. Send your application electronically to: aharland@uoguelph.ca.
This research project involves collaboration with the
University of Bern (CH) and the Flight Laboratory at the University of Montana (US).
Additional information about Dr. Harlander and the Welfare and Behaviour Group at Guelph can be found by visiting: http://www.uoguelph.ca/abw/
GUELPH • ONTARIO • CANADA • N1G 2W1 • (519) 824-4120 ext 52021 • FAX (519) 836-9873