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Biomechanist and Performance Analyst positions, ASPIRE Academy, Doha, Qatar

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  • Biomechanist and Performance Analyst positions, ASPIRE Academy, Doha, Qatar

    Positions available:
    Sports Biomechanist
    Sports Performance Analyst

    ASPIRE Academy, Doha, Qatar

    Professor Tim Cable (, or
    Dr. Philip Graham-Smith (

    The ASPIRE Academy, based in Doha provides world class sports science support to the elite junior athletes of the State of Qatar. We currently have the following vacancies for highly qualified sports scientists with applied experience in the support of elite junior athletes. These positions will provide biomechanical and performance analysis support to all disciplines of track and field, racquet sports and precision target sports. A strong focus of our work is also quantifying maturation change and training loads in elite junior athletes.

    Sports Biomechanist (see link for Job Descriptor)
    The candidate should have a post-graduate qualification in the field of sports biomechanics and experience of working in an applied sports setting. The ability to measure appropriate performance and injury related variables and to communicate and share knowledge within an inter-professional service team is essential. The candidate should have the desire and proven ability to contribute to the applied research program, where additional knowledge and experience around motor control/skill acquisition, gait analysis and/or muscle-tendon properties would be an advantage.

    Sports Performance Analyst (see link for Job Descriptor)
    The candidate should have post-graduate experience in the field of performance analysis and be highly competent in the use of IT, video-based technologies and software (e.g. Dartfish/Quintic) and other forms of movement and match-orientated analysis systems. Innovation and the ability to source and utilize technologies that will provide solutions to address coaching related issues is essential. The ability to quantify and convey appropriate quality assured technical, tactical and work rate related variables to coaches is essential. The candidate should have the desire and ability to contribute to the applied research program.

    The purposes of the roles are to:
    • Provide Applied Sports Science/ Biomechanics/ Performance Analysis support to the Aspire athletes (boys aged from 12 to 18 years).
    • Maintain and further develop a quality assured, evidenced based approach to the delivery of performance focused outcomes and support to elite junior athletes and their coaches.
    • Build a strong and innovative professional culture both within and across other disciplines.
    • Establish / contribute to a world class applied research program.

    Closing Date for Applications is 20th September 2013. Please send CV and letter of application or make enquiry to either Professor Tim Cable ( or Dr. Philip Graham-Smith (