Position Opening
The Department of Physical Therapy is seeking candidates for a full-time (12 month) lab manager for the Human Motion Laboratory. The Human Motion Laboratory investigates normal and pathomechanical human motion across the lifespan in a variety of normal subject as well as subjects with neuromuscular and musculoskeletal disorders. Our long term goals are to disseminate research in peer reviewed journals leading to external funding.
Requirements for the position include: completed or near completed Master’s degree in engineering or biomechanics, and expertise in motion analysis and the application of biomechanics in the study of human movement in neuromuscular and musculoskeletal physical therapy.
Responsibilities include: management of the technical aspects of the Human Motion Laboratory, assisting and mentoring graduate students, and collaboration on research activities with department faculty. Specific duties will include daily contact with physical therapy faculty, directing students in data collection, management of research protocols, maintenance of the research equipment listed in the paragraph below, and other duties as specified by the department chair.
The successful candidate will have access to the Department’s two well equipped and spacious motion labs containing two multi-camera Qualisys systems, six AMTI force platforms, NeuroCom dynamic force plate system, a split-belt Bertec instrumented treadmill and other equipment.
The Department of Physical Therapy is housed in a new state-of-the-art building that is adjacent to the Health Sciences Library, College of Nursing, Brody School of Medicine and the Vidant Medical Center. The Department currently consists of ten full-time academic and three clinical faculty and operates two off-site physical therapy clinics. The DPT program is three years, graduates 30 students annually and was recently accredited for ten years.
East Carolina University is located in Greenville, North Carolina. Greenville is the cultural, educational, medical and economic center of Eastern North Carolina. Pitt County has a population of approximately 159,000 and is located halfway between the capital city of Raleigh and the Outer Banks. East Carolina University (27,000 students) is an integral part of Vidant Medical Center, a regional hospital and rehabilitation center that serves 29 counties. In addition to graduating the most allied health students in the state, the College of Allied Health Sciences has a strong working relationship with the ECU Brody School of Medicine, the East Carolina Heart Institute, and the School of Dental Medicine.
Interested applicants can apply online at https://ecu.peopleadmin.com/applican...css.jsphttp://
For further information contact: Terry Jones, PhD, Faculty Search Committee, 252 744-6249, joneste@ecu.edu