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PhD studentship in Stuttgart (Germany)

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  • PhD studentship in Stuttgart (Germany)

    PhD studentship (TVL E13 50%) in Stuttgart (Germany) is open
    for the DFG research project

    “ Impact response of active muscle: experimentation and modelling”

    In the line of the DFG (German Research Foundation) research project a PhD studentship is open at the institute of Sport and Motion Science (University of Stuttgart/Germany). The PhD studentship is limited to two years, with the option of prolongation.

    The aim of the project is the experimental examination of impact responses of activated muscles (e.g. during daily activities: running, jumping from a wall, cycling over cobblestone). This requires the development of an experimental setup, animal muscle preparation and experimental investigation of different impact situations. The measured data will be used as input for a 3D muscle model (affiliated group of Prof. Syn Schmitt, University of Stuttgart) to analyze possible adaptions of muscle properties. Analyzing impact responses of an activated muscle (that is, during accelerated contractions) will enhance knowledge about muscle's mechanical structure and function.

    Due to extensive experimental works the candidates (e.g. zoologist, physicist) should
    -have experimental experience (preferably in muscle experiments)
    -have biomechanical knowledge
    -be interested in physiological questions concerning muscles.
    Knowledge of german language is required.

    The candidate should have an above-average motivation and dedication. He
    will co-operate with an interdisciplinary group of sport scientists, biologists, medics, physicists and engineers.

    Please send your application until 15.12.2013 to the following address.

    Prof. Dr. Tobias Siebert
    University of Stuttgart
    Department of Sport and Motion Science
    Allmandring 28
    70569 Stuttgart