The Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington has an opening in the
Department of Kinesiology for a tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor position in
the area of Biomechanics. Qualifications: Candidates must have a doctorate in
biomechanics or related field, publications in appropriate journals, and have the potential
to attract external funding. Preference will be given to candidates with focus on public
health related issues such as occupational biomechanics, clinical applications, sport, gait
mechanics/abnormalities, or human performance. An emphasis of this position is the
ability to collaborate with other faculty within the Department of Kinesiology and the
School of Public Health. Responsibilities include: maintain a research program in
biomechanics, publish research in refereed journals, acquire external funding to support
research activities, advise graduate students, direct master's theses and doctoral
dissertations, and teach courses in biomechanics and other public health related topics.
The salary is commensurate with qualifications. This is a ten month appointment
beginning August 1, 2014.
Interested candidates should review the application requirements and submit their
application at: https://indiana.peopleadmin.com. Questions regarding the position or
application process can be directed to: Kristi Wasson at ktanksle@indiana.edu or via
postal mail at Chair Biomechanics Search Committee, School Public Health-
Bloomington, Indiana University, 1025 East 7th Street, SPH 112, Bloomington, IN
47405-4801 Applications should include: a letter of application summarizing
qualifications, curriculum vitae, and three reference letters. Review of applications will
begin December 15, 2013 and continue until position is filled.
Indiana University is an Equal Employment Affirmative Action Employer
committed to excellence through diversity.