The impact of drug-induced dyskinesia and its management on the daily life activities of patients with Parkinson's disease (CIHR-funded project)
Principal Investigator: Christian Duval PhD
Location: Université du Québec à Montréal, Centre de recherche de l’Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada
We are seeking an outstanding candidate for Doctoral studies on drug-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson’s disease patients. In this project, whole-body voluntary and involuntary movements will be quantified simultaneously using motion capture systems. The PhD candidate would be part of an international team of researchers investigating clinical & fundamental aspects of dyskinesia in Parkinson’s disease. The PhD will be in Biological sciences from UQAM, and our laboratory is located at the Research Center of the Montreal Geriatric Institute.
The successful candidate is expected to be highly motivated, perform his/her research project and actively collaborate on publications related to the project. He/she should hold a recent Master’s degree in kinesiology, gerontology or biomedical engineering. Excellent organizational skills, good writing and communication skills in English (French would be an asset) and interpersonal relationship are expected. Working knowledge of time series analysis, statistical methods as well as prior experience in research using motion capture, and/or with Parkinson’s disease would be an asset.
The position is available immediately and will remain open until filled. A scholarship would be provided to the PhD candidate for up to four years, in the amount of 20,000$ to 30,000$ CAD/year (income tax free), depending on qualifications and experiences.
We are looking forward to receive your application, i.e., complete CV including a list of publications, a cover letter describing your research interest and why you are suitable for this position. Please provide contact information from 3 academic references or recommendations. Please send your documentation to:
For further information please contact Catherine Lavigne-Pelletier by phone: (514) 340-3540 #4118 or by email