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Job opening at the Institute of Movement and Sport Gerontology - Cologne, Germany

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  • Job opening at the Institute of Movement and Sport Gerontology - Cologne, Germany

    The Institute of Movement and Sport Gerontology at the German Sport University Cologne invites applications for an open position at Post-Doc level. The successful candidate is expected to contribute to research and teaching activities relating to neuro-mechanical adaptability and ageing. The position is offered for three years (with the possibility of an extension of an additional three years).

    -Profile of the desired candidate-
    Applicants should have a track record regarding studying neuro-mechanical aspects of human movement performance. It is expected that the successful candidate: has earned a doctorate related to the study of human movement; has strong potential for academic scholarship, as demonstrated by peer reviewed research publications, the ability to acquire research funding, and successful university teaching; is committed to actively support the further development of research and educational activities at the Institute of Movement and Sport Gerontology.

    Applications from candidates with a background in movement or sport sciences, medicine, psychology, engineering, or closely related fields are welcome. The successful candidate must have the ability to work effectively with faculty, staff, and students. Candidates are expected to have an excellent mastery of the English language, candidates who do not have German language skills are expected to learn German.

    -Short description of the work environment-
    The German Sports University Cologne is recognized internationally for its research and educational programs which range from education and humanities to social sciences and biomedicine. The Institute of Movement and Sport Gerontology is one of the Institutes of the German Sport University. In its research and educational activities, the Institute adopts an interdisciplinary approach to understanding age-related changes in physical activity and the effects of physical activity on physical and cognitive functioning. The Institute is embedded in (inter)national academic networks related to the prevention of age-related functional decline. As part of its educational activities, the Institute is responsible for a 2-year Master-program “Sport and Movement Gerontology”.

    -For applying to this position:-
    * Send your application as a PDF-file to <> before March 21st 2014.
    * Refer to the code "1403/wMA-Gerontology" and use following address: Dezernat 2, Personal-abteilung (Abteilung 2.2) der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln

    -For further information about this position, please contact:-
    Prof. Dr. Wiebren Zijlstra
    Institute of Movement and Sport Gerontology
    German Sport University Cologne, Germany
    e-mail: <>
    e-mail: <> (secretary)