One Year Post-Doc Position in Computational Biomechanics (to fill as soon as possible, "New England," Storrs, CT)

Mathematical modeling and simulation of biomechanical systems from the cellular to the tissue level; implementation of algorithms and material models into finite element codes such as FEAP. Strong background in solid mechanics and experience with numerical methods necessary.

The Ideal Candidate
Motivated, self-sufficient and creative; strong background in mathematics and mechanics; excellent experience/knowledge of soft biological tissues, particularly cartilage mechanics; prepared to work in a team and to cooperate with medical doctors from both the UConn Health Center and the New England Musculoskeletal Institute; willingness to travel nationally and internationally for research experience; fluency in English; prepared to supervise Masters-level students and project employees at the Interdisciplinary Mechanics Laboratory.

Candidates for these positions should submit the following as a single PDF file to Professor Pierce via e-mail (submissions are requested by August 1, 2014):
  1. Cover letter including a description of:
    1. Research interests,
    2. Why you feel qualified for this position,
    3. How this position will contribute to long term career plans;

  2. CV including contact information for at least three references;
  3. Selected publications demonstrating research expertise (if available).

NB. It is also possible for potential candidates to arrange interview meetings with during the 7th World Congress of Biomechanics (7th WCB) in Boston, MA, July 6 - 11, 2014 (for more information see,

David M. Pierce, Ph.D.
Departments of Mechanical Engineering/
Biomedical Engineering/Mathematics
191 Auditorium Rd. Unit 3139
Storrs, Connecticut 06269-3139
Phone: +1 860 486 4109