Prediction of the risk of vertebral fracture in patients with metastatic lesions as a tool for more effective patients’ management

Project details:

The ultimate scope of this scholarship is to improve our ability to translate into the clinical practice the results of our technological research. In this project the candidate will develop and translate into the clinical practice an in silico medicine protocol for the prediction of the risk of vertebral fracture in oncology patients with lytic metastatic bone lesions. The main objectives will be: 1) the evaluation of personalised spine loading spectrum, 2) the development of patient-specific finite element models from quantitative computed tomography (QCT) scans, 3) the validation of the models with experimental data obtained on staged compression of whole vertebrae in vitro and 4) the application of the models on a small cohort of retrospective CT data.
Salary, PhD fees (for UK and EU students) and consumables are funded by the Sheffield Hospitals Charities Trust.
Candidates must have a first or upper second class honors degree in Engineering. Research Experience with experimental and/or computational Bone mechanics will be advantageous.
Interested candidates should in the first instance contact Dr Enrico Dall’Ara,

Dr Enrico Dall’Ara, Prof Marco Viceconti
How to apply:
Please complete a University Postgraduate Research Application form available here:
If you're applying for postgraduate research at Sheffield, you'll find all the key information on this page. Please read it before you complete your application.

Please clearly state the prospective main supervisor in the respective box and select “Human Metabolism” as the department.

Closing date
: 23/04/2015

Proposed start date:

Salary/stipend rate: