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PhD Scholarship in Computational Modelling of Syringomyelia, Sydney Australia

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  • PhD Scholarship in Computational Modelling of Syringomyelia, Sydney Australia

    A postgraduate scholarship is available to support a PhD student at Neuroscience Research Australia (NeuRA), funded by the Column of Hope Foundation. The PhD project will investigate the mechanisms of syringomyelia using computational modelling techniques. Syringomyelia is an enigmatic neurological condition involving the formation and enlargement of fluid-filled cysts in the spinal cord, usually related to obstructions to flow in the subarachnoid space. The mechanisms by which CSF flow obstructions in the subarachnoid space (SAS) result in the formation and enlargement of syrinxes remain unclear, and this is the focus of the PhD topic. The PhD student will model fluid flow in the spinal subarachnoid space, its penetration into the spinal cord, and fluid homeostasis within the spinal cord using computational fluid dynamics and compartmental modelling approaches.
    The project is suited to individuals who have a background in engineering, physics, or a related discipline. Experience in computational modelling, particularly computational fluid dynamics or finite element modelling, and/or in imaging are highly desirable. Excellent communication skills (written and verbal) in English are essential.

    The PhD student will be supervised by Professor Lynne Bilston . The PhD student will be enrolled through the University of New South Wales, and must be accepted for admission to the PhD program by the University. The student will work in Professor Bilston’s laboratory at NeuRA as part of an interdisciplinary team spanning imaging, neurophysiology, neurosurgery, biomechanics, and computational fluid dynamics, in collaboration with Professor Marcus Stoodley’s group at Macquarie University, and Professor David Fletcher at the University of Sydney.

    The stipend offered for this 3-year scholarship will be at the Australian Postgraduate Award Rate (currently $25,849 p.a.), and the scholarship is available for a maximum term of 3 years. Both Australian and international applicants are welcome to apply. However international applicants should be aware that the scholarship does not cover university tuition fees for international students. They may apply for a tuition fee scholarship at UNSW, but this is a separate competitive process.

    Essential criteria: An undergraduate degree with good Honours in engineering, physics, or a related discipline; eligibility for enrolment in a PhD program at the University of New South Wales, knowledge of fluid and/or solid mechanics; excellent communication skills (written and verbal) in English.
    Desirable criteria: Experience in computational modelling, preferably in CFD; biomechanics, biomedical science, or physiology knowledge.
    Enquiries: Professor Lynne Bilston (l.bilston (at) Please send your application, with your curriculum vitae to Professor Bilston.