«Characterization and modelisation of fibrous soft tissues»
Ecole des Mines d’Alès - 6 av. de Clavières, 30319 ALES
C2MA (MPA Alès – RIME Pau), LGEI (ESAH Alès), LGI2P (KID Nîmes)
Context: The knowledge of the mechanical properties of soft tissue is a great challenge (public health and well-being). In most of applications medical or food industry, the knowledge of the non-linear tissue behaviour would lead to a better anticipation of its dysfunctions (damage, degradation) by proposing prevention and diagnosis tools. The major difficulty concerns the variability associated with biological soft tissues; this variability must be studied and the use of specific tools (measurements and analysis) is therefore a necessity.
Goals: This PhD program aims at characterizing and modelling the mechanical behaviour of bovine tissue. Its mechanical response during and after indentation will be quantitatively evaluated in laboratory from both 3D imaging data and mechanical data. The FEMU (Finite Element Updating Method) will be used to fit parameters of an adequate law (visco-hyperelasticity, damage, anisotropy…) which reproduces the best as possible the experimental load evolution. This method is well adapted in this case since the test and the material induce high non-linearities and heterogeneities. The results will be correlated to microstructural data, psychophysical and sensorial (resulting from the calibration of a biomimetic captor BioTac (Syntouch LLC)). A calibration on a model material is planned.
A first application concerns food industry: the idea is to propose a hand tool will enable to give a “quality” index of meat. This study has been already initiated within an ADIV-Clermont-Ferrand/ANVAR MTV3D national project. Within the framework of medical diagnosis for which the palpation and thus the experience is fundamental, this work perspectives are numerous (tumors detections, damaged tissues, evolution of pelvic tissues stiffness during the pregnancy (prematurity detection)…).
The disciplinary fields involved in this PhD proposal are wide (physico-mechanical-chemical characterisation, psycho-sensorial properties, conservation and characterisation of biological tissues, numerical modelling, 3D imagery and data treatment).
Place and surpervising: C2MA (Alès) and LGI2P (Nîmes). Some missions will be performed in the C2MA of Pau.
This PhD thesis will be co-supervised by Anne-Sophie CARO (MA-HDR) (C2MA Alès) and Philippe MONTESINOS (MA) (LGI2P Nîmes) with the participation of Olivier ETERADOSSI (MA-HDR) (C2MA Pau), Patrick IENNY (Pr) (C2MA Alès) and Ingrid BAZIN (MA-HDR) (LGEI Alès).
Candidate profile:
The candidate will have solid competences in material science as well in treatment and image analysis. He will know some numerical tools (finite elements for example) and have appetences for experimental approach. He must have aptitudes for team work. French language notions are desirable.
Interested candidates must contact (with a CV and motivation letter) before July the 20th:
Anne-Sophie CARO: anne-sophie.caro@mines-ales.fr +33 (0)4 66 78 56 31
Philippe MONTESINOS: philippe.montesinos@mines-ales.fr +33 (0) 4 66 38 70 25
Ecole des Mines d’Alès - 6 av. de Clavières, 30319 ALES
C2MA (MPA Alès – RIME Pau), LGEI (ESAH Alès), LGI2P (KID Nîmes)
Context: The knowledge of the mechanical properties of soft tissue is a great challenge (public health and well-being). In most of applications medical or food industry, the knowledge of the non-linear tissue behaviour would lead to a better anticipation of its dysfunctions (damage, degradation) by proposing prevention and diagnosis tools. The major difficulty concerns the variability associated with biological soft tissues; this variability must be studied and the use of specific tools (measurements and analysis) is therefore a necessity.
Goals: This PhD program aims at characterizing and modelling the mechanical behaviour of bovine tissue. Its mechanical response during and after indentation will be quantitatively evaluated in laboratory from both 3D imaging data and mechanical data. The FEMU (Finite Element Updating Method) will be used to fit parameters of an adequate law (visco-hyperelasticity, damage, anisotropy…) which reproduces the best as possible the experimental load evolution. This method is well adapted in this case since the test and the material induce high non-linearities and heterogeneities. The results will be correlated to microstructural data, psychophysical and sensorial (resulting from the calibration of a biomimetic captor BioTac (Syntouch LLC)). A calibration on a model material is planned.
A first application concerns food industry: the idea is to propose a hand tool will enable to give a “quality” index of meat. This study has been already initiated within an ADIV-Clermont-Ferrand/ANVAR MTV3D national project. Within the framework of medical diagnosis for which the palpation and thus the experience is fundamental, this work perspectives are numerous (tumors detections, damaged tissues, evolution of pelvic tissues stiffness during the pregnancy (prematurity detection)…).
The disciplinary fields involved in this PhD proposal are wide (physico-mechanical-chemical characterisation, psycho-sensorial properties, conservation and characterisation of biological tissues, numerical modelling, 3D imagery and data treatment).
Place and surpervising: C2MA (Alès) and LGI2P (Nîmes). Some missions will be performed in the C2MA of Pau.
This PhD thesis will be co-supervised by Anne-Sophie CARO (MA-HDR) (C2MA Alès) and Philippe MONTESINOS (MA) (LGI2P Nîmes) with the participation of Olivier ETERADOSSI (MA-HDR) (C2MA Pau), Patrick IENNY (Pr) (C2MA Alès) and Ingrid BAZIN (MA-HDR) (LGEI Alès).
Candidate profile:
The candidate will have solid competences in material science as well in treatment and image analysis. He will know some numerical tools (finite elements for example) and have appetences for experimental approach. He must have aptitudes for team work. French language notions are desirable.
Interested candidates must contact (with a CV and motivation letter) before July the 20th:
Anne-Sophie CARO: anne-sophie.caro@mines-ales.fr +33 (0)4 66 78 56 31
Philippe MONTESINOS: philippe.montesinos@mines-ales.fr +33 (0) 4 66 38 70 25