The University of Pittsburgh is pleased to announce an integrated program leading to degrees of the Doctor of Physical Therapy and PhD in Bioengineering. This program is currently accepting applicants for study commencing in June 2016. The integrated program combines instruction from highly-ranked graduate programs in the Departments of Physical Therapy and Bioengineering, and meshes development of clinical expertise with in-depth research training. The program is designed to provide the education and training necessary to be competitive for faculty positions in Physical Therapy and Bioengineering departments at top-tier research universities, or for leadership positions in industry at companies specializing in biomedical research and development. We are seeking highly-motivated applicants with a Bachelor’s degree or higher in engineering or engineering-related discipline, with a strong interest in physical therapy. If you are interested in applying, please contact Dr. Patrick Sparto, co-director of the program, at for more information. Applications will need to be submitted through the PT Centralized Application Service (PTCAS) by November 16, 2015.