A funded PhD position with industrial agreement (Thèse CIFRE) is available in Saint-Etienne, France.
Title: Image-guided implantation of stent-graftscombining live 2D imaging with fast numerical simulations
Starting date: September 2016
Duration: 3 years
Company: Thales MIS (Moirans, 38, France)
Supervisor: Sébastien GORGES
Laboratory: ARMINES-CIS et INSERM U1059 (Saint-Etienne, 42, France)
PhD advisor: Stéphane Avril and Baptiste Pierrat
Summary: A common disorder of the abdominal aorta is the abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). Thisis a localized permanent dilation of the aorta having a diameter at least twice the diameter of thenormal aorta, with a risk of sudden rupture. Aneurysms are accompanied by a deterioration ofweakening and possibly eventual rupture of the artery wall that often results in death. Currenttreatments, especially the endovascular one, which involves the implantation of a stent-graft, aim toreduce the pressure in the aneurysmal sac to protect the weakened wall of the artery. The purposeof the current research is to develop a virtual reality tool based on numerical simulation forassistance to surgery. Numerical finite element simulations are now able to predict reliably androbustly from the data of a preoperative scanner the interactions between a medical device and thesoft tissues of a patient. Reliability of simulations could be further improved by integrating the liveintraoperative imaging data in fast numerical simulations. This is the main goal of this research. Themain applications will be interventional assistance to avoid possible risks of postoperativecomplications.
Profile: Engineering Degree and/or Master of Science, experience in at least two of the followingfields - biomechanics, finite element method, computer graphics, optimization.
Location: The candidate will be based in ARMINES-CIS and INSERM U1059 labs (Saint-Etienne, 42).
How to apply: Please send your application before March 15, 2016, to avril@emse.fr and sebastien.gorges@thalesgroup.com