The following position is to be filled at the German Sport University in Cologne at the Institute for Biomechanics and Orthopaedics as soon as possible:

W3-Professorship for
Musculoskeletal Biomechanics
(Successor to Prof. Dr. Brüggemann)

Applicants should be proven scientists, internationally established with a research profile in the area of musculoskeletal biomechanics with particular focus on biomechanics of human movement and mechanobiology in sport, profession and daily life over the complete lifespan. Applicants must provide evidence of experience in the leading of research groups, competitive third-party funding and distinguished teaching skills.

The successful candidate will be expected to participate in the German Research Centre for Elite Sport “momentum", demonstrate a high degree of commitment in the promotion of graduates and a principal willingness to head the precision mechanics and electrical engineering workshops. Additionally, the skill set to organize and give lectures in German and English language as well as an ability to function on an interdisciplinary level are desired.

Conditions of Employment, in accordance with § 36 Universities Act NRW, are:
  • A scientific degree,
  • Doctorate,
  • Pedagogical aptitude,
  • Habilitation or an equivalent scientific qualification.

The position has an obligatory teaching load of 9 SWS (F1). Participation in the B.Sc. and M.Sc. courses as well as the teacher study courses is expected.

The position requires both English and German language skills for teaching. Non German-speaking applicants are expected to be capable of teaching in German language within six semesters.

The German Sport University, Cologne strives to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching and expressly encourages female scientists to apply. All things being equal (suitability, qualification and professional achievement), women will be given preference, insofar objective reasons for choosing a rival applicant do not overweigh.

Severely disabled applicants with equivalent professional qualifications will be given preference.

The German Sport University, Cologne supports its staff in reconciling family and career.

Please submit applications with the usual documents, particularly a curriculum vitae, a list of publications and a selection of important publications under 1613/Professur musku. Biomechanik-li by 31.03.2016 at the latest in the form of a pdf-file only to the email address: