Ph.D. Research Assistantship
University of Delaware
Department of Kinesiology and Applied Physiology
Biomechanics and Movements Science Interdisciplinary Program (BIOMS)
The University of Delaware is seeking one graduate Ph.D. student for the Biomechanics and Movement Science (BIOMS) program ( working with the Concussion Research program. The UD concussion research program is part of the NCAA/DoD Grand Alliance CARE Consortium ( and the individual in this position will be extensively involved in the CARE research program. Additionally, there is opportunities to be involved in research studies with the new multimodel imaging center fMRI/DTI studies, HITS football head impact research, aging & concussion research studies, and biomechanics of gait and posture post-concussion research. The concussion research laboratory is well equipped with concussion testing protocols and there are extensive collaborations both on-campus with Biomechanics, Physical Therapy, Engineering as well as off-campus with a Pediatric Hospital, Concussion Clinics, and a wide array of Physicians both locally and nationally. The Concussion Research group includes two faculty members, one post-doctoral researcher, one full-time research coordinator, three Ph.D. students, 7 M.S. students, and multiple undergraduate students.
This is a fully funded research assistantship and teaching is not required. The expected stipend for Fall 2016 is $18,000 and includes a Full Tuition Waiver for the Fall and Spring semesters. The individual must remain in good academic standing (including a minimum of 3.0 GPA), make adequate progress towards the degree, and have satisfactory performance as a research assistant to be eligible for the continuation of the award each semester.
The Ph.D. student will be activity involved in the CARE research study which will include participant recruitment, data collection, data analysis and interpretation. The Ph.D. student will also activity mentor M.S. student research as well as undergraduate student research. Certification as an athletic trainer is helpful, but not required for this position.
Admission Criteria:
In order to be admitted to the BIOMS program, the student must have completed the prerequisite courses (calculus, A&P, Physics, Chemistry), but students short one or two courses may be considered with conditional admissions. The recommended combined GRE score is 300 and the undergraduate and graduate GPA should be 3.0 or higher.
Interested individuals should contact Dr. Buckley ( directly at or 1.302.831.4783