The University of Potsdam, Research Focus in Cognitive Sciences, Faculty of Human Sciences, Division of Training and Movement Sciences is seeking to fill the following position by June 1st 2016: Academic Staff Member (m/f), Requisition No.: 113/2016
The position is for twenty hours of work per week (50 %). The salary is determined by the collective bargaining agreement for public employees in Germany (TV-L 13 Ost). This is a temporary position limited to a term of 3 years with the intention of a further extension up to two years by presentation of the personal conditions in accordance with Section 2 §1 of the Academic Fixed-Term Contract Law (WissZeitVG).
The University of Potsdam seeks a highly qualified, motivated, and enthusiastic individual to conduct research as a doctoral student toward a PhD degree.
The person appointed will be expected to contribute to the research priorities of the Division of Training and Movement Sciences at University of Potsdam which fall in the fields of muscular strength, power, and balance testing and training in diverse settings (e.g., schools, sport clubs, health centers) and in different populations (e.g., children, athletes, seniors).
More information is provided on the following website:
The successful candidate should be proficient in collecting and processing particularly biomechanical (e.g., kinematics, kinetics, electromyography) and exercise physiological data, and in statistics. Proficiency in German and English is desired for the outlined position. The successful applicant will be able to communicate complex information and to present information on research findings and outcomes including the writing of scientific articles. The candidate is expected to contribute to teaching activities (one weekly 90 minute class per semester).
Applicants will possess a completed Master’s degree in Exercise and/or Movement Sciences, Kinesiology or Biomechanics and be able to demonstrate sufficient knowledge within the discipline (for example kinematic analyses) and of research methods and techniques.
At least one-third of working hours are available for one’s own in-depth scientific work. The University strives for a balanced gender ratio in all occupational groups. Handicapped applicants will be given preference in case of equal suitability. People with an immigration background are specificially encouraged to apply.
Applicants should send their application materials, by 17.04.2016 at the latest, to
Prof. Urs Granacher, PhD,
University of Potsdam, Faculty of Human Sciences, Division of Training and Movement Sciences,
Am Neuen Palais 10, Building 12,
14469 Potsdam, Germany
or via email to: with the subject line: “Academic Staff Member 113/2016”.