Charles Owen & Co (Bow) Ltd, in partnership with Cardiff University, Cambridge University and the Knowledge Transfer Partnership, has an exciting opportunity for a Post-doctoral Research Associate. The KTP Post-doctoral Research Associate will be employed by Cardiff University and located in Charles Owen’s Wrexham HQ, forming a vital conduit between these collaborating partners.

The successful candidate will play a key role in transferring the academic knowledge relating to novel and innovative energy absorbing structures, to our industrial partner, with the specific aim of developing a new product line that offers enhanced head protection within the equestrian sector. This will require the candidate to develop our existing research concepts and ideas relating to solid mechanics and cellular structures, and to consider manufacturing techniques including additive manufacturing and mass-scale production. The candidate will then identify appropriate cellular structures that meet a comprehensive range of design criteria. Commercial and technological research will then be required to determine the most appropriate means by which to achieve a commercially viable route to market. Hence, this position will develop a host of technical, commercial and entrepreneurial skills.
The Knowledge Transfer Partnership scheme has been active for over 40 years, and has now developed a programme of support for all KTP associates that focus clearly on career and personal development. This 3 year post-doctoral position includes a dedicated development budget, alongside an expectation that the associate will dedicate 10% of their time to development-related activities. Such activities include the opportunity to shadow senior management, involvement in commercial decision-making, and the anticipation of taking a product from concept to market. Furthermore, this position has already attracted an enhanced travel budget, funded separately via the Welsh Government, to ensure that the successful applicant is able to have extended overseas visits to learn from our international collaborators.

Applications will be accepted for this post via the ‘Academic Vacancies’ pages from the below link, until Monday 19th September 2016:

ALTERNATIVELY, PLEASE NAVIGATE TO: WWW.CF.AC.UK/jobs ; then Managerial Vacancies; then use reference: 5165BR

Potential applicants are welcome to initiate email dialogue with the academics, either Dr Peter Theobald or Dr Graham McShane, prior to submitting their application.