PhD Studentship in Cancer Rehabilitation
Musculoskeletal Biomechanics and Imaging Laboratory, School of Kinesiology, University of Michigan

The Musculoskeletal Biomechanics and Imaging Laboratory at the University of Michigan is actively seeking a new doctoral student in the School of Kinesiology to study the mechanisms and rehabilitation of neck impairments in head and neck cancer survivors. This project will involve assessments of patients and healthy controls using biomechanical, electromyographic, and ultrasound imaging-based measurements. The student would work under the supervision of Prof. David Lipps, Ph.D. Applicants should have a master’s or bachelor’s degree in kinesiology, exercise science, biomedical engineering, or mechanical engineering. Previous biomechanics research experience, journal publications, high GRE scores, and a high GPA from previous academic work are highly desirable. The student will need to gain admittance to the University of Michigan Movement Science doctoral program for Fall 2017. Students are encouraged to submit an application in advance of the Feb. 1 deadline for full consideration of funding. Please contact Prof. Lipps for additional details (

Information about the Movement Science Ph.D. program can be found at: