A funded position at the Department of kinesiology at Laval University and the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation and Social Integration (CIRRIS) in Quebec city (Quebec, Canada) is available immediatly or in winter 2017.

The aim or this research is to better understand how biomechanical factors and compensatory strategies influence joint integrity. The research project will involve the use of three-dimensional motion analysis system, multi-orthotic devices and modelisation systems in a dynamic context of evaluation (level gait, stair ascent and descent, sit-to-stand…).

Prior experience with human movement and/or 3D biomechanical data analysis is strongly desired. Computational skills and programming experience are a plus. Basic french skills are required.

If you are interested in learning more about, or applying for this position, please e-mail the following to Dre. Katia TURCOT: a letter of interest, a detailed CV (with list of publications), graduate scores and names of one individual who can be contacted for references.

Laval University
http://www2.ulaval.ca/fr/home.html or http://www2.ulaval.ca/en/home.html

Department of kinesiology

Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation and Social Integration
The Cirris has the mission to develop and mobilize the knowledge that enables social participation of people with disabilities.

Katia Turcot, PhD
Professeure adjointe | Assistant Professor
Département de kinésiologie-EPS
Pavillon Éduc. phys. et sports
2300, rue de la Terrasse
Bureau 00204-B
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6
Téléphone : 418 656-2131 #3549
Courriel: Katia.Turcot@kin.ulaval.ca