4 open Post-Doctoral positions in the Margulies Head Injury Biomechanics Laboratory at Emory University and Georgia Institute of Technology
We are seeking four highly motivated people with a background in neuroscience, neuropathology, biomechanics, computer science, mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering or related field and interested in traumatic brain injury research to be hired over the next 9 months.
Position 1: Neuropathology of traumatic brain injury
Prior experience performing animal studies, processing brain tissue for neuropathology is a must. Primary role is to access extent of neurological damage in a preclinical model of TBI and identify links with novel early biomarkers and behavioral assessments.
Position 2: Device development to create noninvasive, objective methods for diagnosing mild traumatic brain injuries
Prior experience with device development, such as electronics, machining, 3-D printing, and/or coding is desired. Primary role is to develop customized devices to perform eye tracking, pupillary response, and balance measurements in a large animal model of TBI, as well as to assess effort and attention.
Position 3: Computational analysis of multi-modal traumatic brain injury responses
Prior experience in applying machine learning techniques, big data analysis, and statistics is a must. Primary role is to design studies, analyze experimental data and combine metrics in novel ways to develop multi-modal assessment metrics.
Position 4: Neurofunctional assessments of traumatic brain injury.
Experience with animal behavior and surgical procedure studies is a must. Primary role is to translate human assessments to create a suite of sensitive, novel quantitative indicators that discriminate neurological dysfunction in an animal model of mild TBI.
Application Details: A PhD (or near completion) in neuroengineering, biomechanics, computer science, mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering or related field. High motivation, ability to work on multiple projects, and excellent communication skills are mandatory.
Interested? Please send your application as one PDF file to Susan S. Margulies (susan.margulies@gatech.edu AND Margulies@seas.upenn.edu). The single pdf file should include a cover letter, your CV, and links to your publications. Please indicate your desired starting date.
At Emory and Georgia Tech, we embrace and leverage diversity in all its manifestations. We strive to provide a welcoming, diverse and inclusive campus as an essential part of a community of academic excellence. Our traditions of ethically based personal and institutional engagement in all our learning and working environments seek to build a community of shared excellence for all students, faculty and staff.
We are seeking four highly motivated people with a background in neuroscience, neuropathology, biomechanics, computer science, mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering or related field and interested in traumatic brain injury research to be hired over the next 9 months.
Position 1: Neuropathology of traumatic brain injury
Prior experience performing animal studies, processing brain tissue for neuropathology is a must. Primary role is to access extent of neurological damage in a preclinical model of TBI and identify links with novel early biomarkers and behavioral assessments.
Position 2: Device development to create noninvasive, objective methods for diagnosing mild traumatic brain injuries
Prior experience with device development, such as electronics, machining, 3-D printing, and/or coding is desired. Primary role is to develop customized devices to perform eye tracking, pupillary response, and balance measurements in a large animal model of TBI, as well as to assess effort and attention.
Position 3: Computational analysis of multi-modal traumatic brain injury responses
Prior experience in applying machine learning techniques, big data analysis, and statistics is a must. Primary role is to design studies, analyze experimental data and combine metrics in novel ways to develop multi-modal assessment metrics.
Position 4: Neurofunctional assessments of traumatic brain injury.
Experience with animal behavior and surgical procedure studies is a must. Primary role is to translate human assessments to create a suite of sensitive, novel quantitative indicators that discriminate neurological dysfunction in an animal model of mild TBI.
Application Details: A PhD (or near completion) in neuroengineering, biomechanics, computer science, mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering or related field. High motivation, ability to work on multiple projects, and excellent communication skills are mandatory.
Interested? Please send your application as one PDF file to Susan S. Margulies (susan.margulies@gatech.edu AND Margulies@seas.upenn.edu). The single pdf file should include a cover letter, your CV, and links to your publications. Please indicate your desired starting date.
At Emory and Georgia Tech, we embrace and leverage diversity in all its manifestations. We strive to provide a welcoming, diverse and inclusive campus as an essential part of a community of academic excellence. Our traditions of ethically based personal and institutional engagement in all our learning and working environments seek to build a community of shared excellence for all students, faculty and staff.