We are seeking research fellows / interns with an undergraduate degree in Biomechanics, Kinesiology, Movement Science, Physiology, Biomedical Engineering, to assist with participant scheduling, data collection and processing for a number of human subjects experiments at Harvard. The appointment would be for at least 12 months depending on candidate availability.

We are developing soft wearable robots that are lightweight and pliable and can assist with locomotion by applying appropriately timed joint torques to the wearer. The successful candidate will work as part of a larger team and the data collected from human subjects studies will be used to advance the development of multiple wearable robot platforms in development. S/he will have access to state of the art equipment (Qualysis cameras, Bertec force plates in an over-ground walkway, a Bertec instrumented treadmill, Delsys Trigno surface electromyography system, and Cosmed K4b2 metabolic test system). The candidate will also be expected to contribute to the running of IRB approved studies on healthy and patient populations. Attention to detail and professionalism are highly important for the role.

Applications should be sent to Conor Walsh, walsh@seas.harvard.edu

John L. Loeb Associate Professor of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Core Faculty Member
Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering
Website: http://biodesign.seas.harvard.edu