The following project is available for 2018 within Sport and Health Sciences at the University of Exeter, in collaboration with Bath University:
Influence of lower limb musculature on tibial stress during running: An interdisciplinary approach
Click here for further information and to apply.
Start date: October 2018
The muscles in the lower leg influence bone stress during running, but there is debate about whether this is protective or detrimental. To improve understanding of the interaction between muscles and bone, an interdisciplinary approach will be taken, integrating human movement biomechanics with mathematical modelling and finite element analyses.
This studentship is funded through GW4 BioMed MRC Doctoral Training Partnership. It consists of full UK/EU tuition fees, as well as a Doctoral Stipend matching UK Research Council National Minimum (£14,553 p.a. for 2017/18, updated each year).
Additional research and training funding is available over the course of the programme. This will covers costs such as research consumables, courses, conferences and travel. Additional competitive funds are available for high-cost training/research.
The student
Students from non-medical backgrounds, especially in areas of computing, mathematics and physical sciences are welcome. Applicants for a studentship must have obtained, or be about to obtain, a First or Upper Second Class UK Honours degree, or the equivalent qualifications gained outside the UK, in an appropriate area of medical sciences. Applicants with a Lower Second Class degree will be considered if they also have a Master’s degree or have significant relevant non-academic experience.
For project-related enquiries, please contact Dr Hannah Rice (