Femoral Neck Anteversion (FNA) – Measurement, Predictors and Effects on Musculoskeletal Function
This fully-funded PhD studentship is available in the Musculoskeletal Science and Sports Medicine Research Centre at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU).


Femoral neck anteversion (FNA) is the angle between the distal femoral condyles and the femoral neck, indicating femoral ‘twist’. Deviation from the normal range of FNA values is associated with skeletal problems e.g. osteoarthritis. This project will develop musculoskeletal imaging methods to measure FNA, and apply these to identify determinants of child and adult FNA, and its effects on musculoskeletal function and movement.

Specific requirements of the project
Applicants should have a background in a relevant topic e.g. exercise or sport science, physiotherapy, biomechanics or engineering. Experience with one or more of the following would be a distinct advantage:
  • Musculoskeletal imaging e.g. ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT)
  • Gait analysis/motion capture
  • Assessment of physical function e.g. dynamometry

Applicants should also be willing to work with human participants of different ages (children and young and older adults), and be willing to travel occasionally within the UK or Europe for short periods of data collection.

Key Dates
Application Closing Date - Wednesday 28th March 2018
Interview Date - Monday 12 March 2018
Start Date - Monday 02 April 2018

Further details are available here: https://www2.mmu.ac.uk/research/rese...l-function.php.

To apply, please fill in the following form https://www2.mmu.ac.uk/media/mmuacuk...orm-final.docx and send to pgradmissions@mmu.ac.uk. In section 11 'Research Proposal', indicate that you are applying for this advertised project rather than proposing your own.

For additional information please contact:

Alex Ireland PhD
Lecturer in Physiology
Musculoskeletal Science and Sports Medicine Research Centre
School of Healthcare Science
Manchester Metropolitan University
M1 5GD
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 161 247 1987
Email: a.ireland@mmu.ac.uk