A post-doctoral position in biomechanics is open at Flinders University, Australia. We are seeking outstanding candidates to take on a 2.5 years project on ligament and articular contact mechanics in healthy adults. Candidates should have a background in engineering, biomechanics, human movement sciences, or orthopaedics. Applications are welcome from Australian and international candidates.

More information about the position and the application process is available at

Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact Dr. Saulo Martelli prior to formally applying.

Saulo Martelli, PhD.
Medical Device Research Institute
College of Science and Engineering
Flinders University
1284 South Road, Tonsley | South Australia | 5042
GPO Box 2100 | Adelaide SA 5001
P: +61 8 82012674 | Skype: saulo.martelli | W: www.flinders.edu.au/people/saulo.martelli