The Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering (HWCOE) at the University of Florida (UF) continues its search for multiple tenure-track faculty to expand our new Human-Systems Engineering (HSE) Area. This past year the Department hired two new faculty with expertise in human motion analysis and activity recognition as well as decision making and interface design. This year, we are seeking candidates with expertise in transportation human factors and human-robot interaction among other topics. In general, we are interested in candidates pursuing HSE research with broad societal implications (e.g., improving automated vehicle design and transportation networks; promoting safety in human-in-the-loop systems). Our openings are open-rank with the possibility of a start date as early as January 1, 2019 and through August 16, 2019.

The Department welcomes applications from individuals with strong backgrounds in ISE with a doctorate degree in ISE or a closely related discipline. It is desirable for Department teaching that applicants have at least one degree in engineering. Successful candidates are expected to contribute to both education and research programs, including teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in ISE, developing and sustaining externally-funded, interdisciplinary research programs, developing a strong publication record, and supervising graduate students. With respect to research program development, opportunities for collaborative and interdisciplinary research connections exist within ISE and HWCOE and across UF, including UF Transportation Institute, Human-Centered Computing @ UF, UF Informatics Institute, and the Florida Institute for National Security.

Application packets should consist of: (1) a letter of interest, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) a statement of research interests, (4) a statement of teaching philosophy and interests in existing and new courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, (5) a brief statement describing interest and experience in working with diverse groups and underrepresented populations, (6) copies of two or three significant publications, and (7) contact information for three or more references. These materials should be submitted at by merging (1) through (5) into a single .pdf file to be submitted via the link for ‘Curriculum Vitae or Resume.’ An initial screening of applications will be conducted on September 28, 2018 and review will continue until all positions are filled. For more information about the Department of ISE, HWCOE, and UF, see, and, respectively. Questions regarding the positions can be directed to Dr. Elif Akcali at

The University of Florida is one of the top-10 best public universities, according to the 2018 U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges rankings. The University counts among its greatest strengths a strong value for broad diversity in faculty, students, and staff. The University seeks to create a robust, inclusive, and welcoming climate for learning, research, and professional service. The University of Florida is committed to equal educational and employment opportunity and access, and it seeks individuals of all races, ethnicities, genders and other attributes who, among their many exceptional qualifications, have a record of including a broad diversity of individuals in work and learning activities. The selection process will be conducted in accord with the provisions of Florida’s “Government in the Sunshine” and Public Records Laws. The University of Florida is an Equal Opportunity Employer.