The Neuromuscular Research Laboratory (NMRL)/Warrior Human Performance Research Laboratory (WHPRC) has multiple immediate openings for postdoctoral fellowship positions. This is an excellent opportunity to join a DoD and NASA-funded research team focused on the biomechanical, physiological and neuromotor mechanisms of physical training adaptations and cognitive or physiological resilience. Our multi-disciplinary group has expertise in biomechanics and motor control, exercise physiology, neuroendocrinology, neurobiology, nutrition, epidemiology, systems biology, and machine learning.

The NMRL/WHPRC is a state-of-the-science 1100m2 facility with innovative techniques to study molecular, cellular, tissue, biomechanical, and physiological aspects of human performance optimization and injury prevention. Current biomechanics/motor control capabilities include a Vicon 20 camera motion capture system, several Kistler force platforms and multiple Xsens IMU systems; neurophysiology with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), electroencephalogram (EEG), non-invasive motor unit array decomposition (dEMG); psychometrics; strength, sensorimotor, and fitness assessment; dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA); and high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HR-pQCT).

We are currently seeking two creative and highly-motivated scientists with strong critical thinking and technical skills to pursue independent and collaborative research within the NMRL.

Qualifications: Candidates must have: 1) Ph.D. degree with a focus in either biomechanics, bioengineering, and/or motor control; 2) strong publication record; 3) excellent English verbal and written communication skills. The successful candidate is expected to work independently and as part of a team and have a strong enthusiasm for learning and developing new experimental approaches.

Applicants should send: 1) a cover letter with a summary of research experience and interests; 2) current contact information for three potential references; and 3) curriculum vitae including publications in PDF format to:

Chris Connaboy, PhD
Assistant Professor
Director of the Ph.D. program in Sports Medicine
Neuromuscular Research Laboratory
Warrior Human Performance Research Center

Department of Sports Medicine and Nutrition
School of Health and Rehabilitation Science
University of Pittsburgh
3860 South Water Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
Work Phone: 412-246-0460