Position(s) in Biomechanics and Motor Control at Purdue University

Master’s graduate position(s) with possibility of continuation into a PhD are available for Fall 2019 in the Biomechanics lab at Purdue University. The successful candidate(s) will focus on anticipatory synergy adjustments in grasping and reaching, executive function and ageing. Prior experience in analysis of human movement data is desirable, but not required.

We are a diverse group of researchers involved in work ranging from balance, bipedal locomotion, movement coordination and timing, to human prehension mechanics. The work culture is highly interactive, and students have opportunities to contribute to various ongoing projects. Please visit our website for descriptions of current research projects.

If you are interested and would like additional information, please email Dr. Satyajit Ambike (sambike@purdue.edu) with (1) a letter of interest, (2) a detailed CV, and (3) contact information of three individuals who can serve as references.

Purdue University offers several funding mechanisms for deserving graduate students. Applicants are encouraged to get in touch early to receive full consideration for these prestigious opportunities.

For more information, please visit the following websites.
Motor behavior group at Purdue
Funding programs at HK
Application to Graduate school
Application to HK@Purdue